Custom Products

We offer custom products for individuals, teams, organizations, institutions, and any other groups that wish to have their own twist added to Radioactive Kickboards.

Please keep in mind (especially individuals) that custom products are complicated!  They usually require many agreements.  All the usual property rights & requirements that apply to such custom products (ie trademarks cannot be used without permission, etc.) must be taken into consideration.

The bad news is all the ‘red tape’, but the good news is that we usually offer discounts on bulk custom orders.  And it’s not all that bad; swim teams usually own their own trademarks and copyrigths making permission transition easier.

These orders are contained to the purchasing individual or team or organization.  We NEVER use ANY material from custom orders for other customer orders or any Radioactive Kickboards publicly available products!

For custom order enquiries, policies or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.